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randomized response中文是什么意思

用"randomized response"造句"randomized response"怎么读"randomized response" in a sentence


  • 随机反应
  • 随机化回答
  • 随机响应


  • The two randomized response models of survey on sensitive question with quantitative characteristic
  • This paper introduces five randomized response procedures , especially introduces the choice of simmons model " version . we compare these procedures with the efficient and cooperation
  • Two randomized response techniques for investigating the quantitative characteristic of sensitive question the randomized response technique ( rrt ) , which was originally developed for qualitative purposes , is being developed for quatitative purposes which is more complex
  • In the 1970 ' s , greenberg et olproposed some randomized response techniques for investigating the quantitative characteristic of sensitive question . in this article , we discuss two main methods - the unrelated - question model and the random amputation model . because the latter is more simple and convenient but ca n ' t protect the privacy of the interviewees very well , we suggest two modified methods baesd on it and make comparisons of them
用"randomized response"造句  


Randomized response is a research method used in structured survey interview. It was first proposed by S.
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